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- A specially designed eight days practical training workshop on Prehistory, Numismatics, Museology, Art and Architecture will be organised from 27th February to 6th March 2025 for the under graduate students of Marthoma College for women Perumbavor, Ernakulam, Kerala.
- A specially designed course for students of the Department of Archaeology, C.E.M.S, University of Mumbai, Kalina campus: "10th Residential Short Term Certificate Course on Prehistory Stones, Skills, and Sediments" held from 11 to 17 February 2025. Some students from Deccan College, Pune also participated in the course.
- The first hands-on training workshop on "Pottery in Archaeology" held from 16th to 19th January 2025 at INHCRF campus, Anjaneri-Nashik. The resource person for the training program was Dr Prabodh Shirvalkar, Assistant Professor, Deccan College, Pune.
- The residential short term certificate course on Perso-Arabic inscriptions and calligraphy entitled "Decoding Epigraphs of Medieval India: An Introductory workshop on Perso-Arabic Inscriptions and calligraphy" held from 2nd to 5th January 2025. The resource person for the workshop is Dr. G. S. Khwaja, Former Director Epigraphy (Arabic and Persian Inscriptions), Archaeological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. This workshop intends to familiarise the participants about the basic understanding of Perso-Arabic alphabets and their evolution; the art of Islamic calligraphy and its different styles, monumental and paper calligraphy, dating system in Perso-Arabic epigraphs, art of composing chronograms, coinage of Sultanate and Mughals empire, and regional dynasties, practice of decipherment, technique of estampages making and its upkeep.
- The first hands-on training workshop on "Pottery in Archaeology", held from 16th to 19th January 2025 at INHCRF campus, Anjaneri-Nashik. The resource person for the training program was Dr Prabodh Shirvalkar, Assistant Professor, Deccan College, Pune.
- The fifth practical training workshop on Conservation of Bone, Ivory and Antler is scheduled for December 26th to 30th, 2024.